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About our company

FIREPUBS publish the research and review articles in the areas of Science, Mathematics, Information technology, Tourism etc., with Originality and Quality. FIREPUBS has formed with the group of international journals. The FIREPUBS journals were listed in the journals master list. FIREPUBS recognize that access to quality research is vital to the scientific community. We will continue to identify access gaps, and work towards ensuring that everyone has access to quality scientific content anytime, anywhere. FIREPUBSencourages active rendezvous and discussions about access. We are investing our resources in developing new initiatives, expanding our open access and other access initiatives, and in developing our polices.

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Open access statement

FIREPUBS is committing for the easy access and without any charges. Access to content is only one part of our duty to the research community. Ensuring quality content within our journals allows the broader community not only to read the latest research but trust that it is factual, original and of the highest ethical standard.