Yield Response of Barley Varieties Under two Different Tillage Conditions in Moderately Saline Soils of Khulna
About million of hectare of coastal soils of Bangladesh are monocropped with T. aman during monsoon and usually most of these lands remain fallow during dry season due to high soil salinity, lack of irrigation water and proper alternative varieties of rice as well as other non rice crops. This experiment was carried out with a view to search an alternative crop species to intensify the crop intensity of the coastal saline soils. Thus, six barley varieties, developed by BARI were tested under no-tillage and conventional tillage system to identify the most suitable varieties for coastal region of Khulna. Overall performance of barley varieties under tillage system was much better than that of no-tillage cultivation system. Grain yield under no-tillage system found insignificant among the varieties which varied from 0.17 to 0.33 t ha-1. Under Conventional tillage system this index varied from 1.29 to1.86 t ha-1. Maximum yield was recorded for BARI barley-5 (1.86 t ha-1) with a harvest index 57.33%. Although none of the parameters studied were found statistically significant except spike length under conventional tillage system.
Research Desk 2013 Volume-2
Article Category
Article Subject:
Barley, No-tillage, Conventional tillage, Yield, salinity