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The Effect of Corrosive Pollutants on Butterfly


Butterflies are beautiful creation of nature. These species survival become very critical due to enhancement of corrosive pollutants in atmosphere. Corrosive pollutants react with moist oxygen and water to form inorganic and organic acids. The oxides of Carbon, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur, oxides of haloens and hydride of sulphur form carbonic acid, nitric acid, nitrous acid, sulphuric acid, sulphrous acid and halo acids. Organic acids are formic acid, acetic acid and benzoic acid. Butterflies come in contact of these corrosive acids to develop microbioelectrochemical corrosion cell. Oxidation and reduction reactions start on the body butterfly.  It disturbs catabolic and anabolic process of butterflies. Such type of corrosion cell reaction destroys the life of butterflies. These corrosive pollutants reduce their population growth. The green house gases, acid rain, oxygen depletion and global warming are also producing bad effect their life. The above mention acids convert into form of cloud and they come on the earth surface as water droplets. The acid rain accelerates corrosion reaction with butterflies. The concentration of carbon dioxide and methane gages are increased in atmosphere day by day due to industrialization, transportation, urbanization, deforestation, burning of coal and infrastructure development work. These gases are increasing surrounding temperature of the earth in this way their life becomes critical. The corrosive gases, acid rain, oxygen depletion and green house gases become threat of their survival. The particulates are easily adhered with butterflies and they react with moisture to produce acid and base. It is major cause of corrosion with their body parts.


Research Desk 2013 Volume-2

Article Subject:



Butterfly, corrosive pollutants, micro bio electrochemical corrosion cell, galvanic, fertilization

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Rajesh Kumar et al, Research Desk, 2013, Oct-Dec 2(4). 345-349

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