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Effects of Management Practice and Maturity Stage on Seed Quality and Yield of Spider Plant (Cleome Gynandra L.)

Abstract Cleome gynandra L. is gaining popularity for its importance in human nutrition. In the recent past, Kenya has witnessed a renewed interest in production of this local vegetable. The prevalence of obesity, HIV and AIDs and food-related illnesses makes better nutrition a critical need. Nutrition is a major, modifiable and powerful factor in promoting…

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Yield Response of Barley Varieties Under two Different Tillage Conditions in Moderately Saline Soils of Khulna

Abstract About million of hectare of coastal soils of Bangladesh are monocropped with T. aman during monsoon and usually most of these lands remain fallow during dry season due to high soil salinity, lack of irrigation water and proper alternative varieties of rice as well as other non rice crops. This experiment was carried out…