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Research on movement of cotton and heavy impurities in the working chamber of pneumatic cleaner.


This research work deals with the theoretical investigation of the motion of cotton and heavy impurities in the chamber of pneumatic cleaner. We have developed universal pneumatic cleaner that cleans cotton from both the heavy, small and large trash. Differential equations are compiled on motion of mechanical system consisting of cotton and trash on the principle of D’Alamber. These non-linear differential equations with the corresponding initial conditions are solved numerically by the program MAPLE-9.5 on computer.


AAJST 2016 Vol-3

Article Subject:



Cotton, technology, collector, speed of air, separator, mathematical model, nonlinear differential equations, mechanical system, Heaviside function, resulting graph

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Karimov Abdusamat et al, Afro Asian J SciTech, 2016,3(1),250-262

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