Pharmacognostic authentication and constituents’ validation by HPLC for four different plant species of Vidari marketed in India
The aim of the present study is to use detail diagnostic characters and instrumental validation for authentication of a traditionally important herbal drug known as “Vidari” in local Indian market.
Vidari drug has four different botanical entities namely Pueraria tuberose DC (P.t) (family: Leguminosae), Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq (I. m) (family: Convolvulaceae), Adenia hondala de Wide (A. h) (family: Passifloraceae) and Cycas circinalis (C. c) Linn (family: Cycadaceae). In this study morphological, histological characters, proximate analysis viz foreign organic matters, moisture content, ash value, extractive value and preliminary investigations on phytoconstituent were evaluated separately. Furthermore validated HPLC profiles of all the species revealed the variation in peak characterization and content of major constituent i.e. puerarin present in the same. The physicochemical values of all four species were evaluated and revealed within the prescribed limits for P.t indicating its authenticity except alcohol and water soluble extractive value for C. c (2.5-3.7% & 11.5-18.2%) and water soluble extractive value for I. m (11.3-18.5%).The water soluble extractive value (31-41.5%) and total ash content (8-11%) in P. t were found maximum. Qualitative screening of phytochemicals indicated the presence of Carbohydrates, Glycosides, Saponins, Phytosterols, Flavanoids, Proteins, Gums & mucilages and absence of Phenolic acids and Tannins in all the species used as Vidari. HPLC quantification revealed the presence of puerarin when compared with standard puerarin peak eluted at Rt 18 minutes.
SPJPBS 2015 Volume 3
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Authentication, diagnostic characters, proximate analysis, HPLC, Vidari
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Kuntal Das et al, SPJPBS.2015.,3(1),217-229