Optimization of Building Wall to Control Indoor Temperature using Matlab Software and Finite Difference Method
The complex nature of dynamic heat transfer through building parts is in need of computational analysis instead of applying simple mathematical techniques. An explicit finite difference method is applied to analyze a model wall of a building. And further computer simulation for results is done using MATLAB software by giving emphasis for parameters that can affect indoor atmospheric conditions. The result of the analysis has showed that, to obtain a favorable indoor temperature of 298k an optimum wall thickness of 25cm is required. The results from the numerical analysis have showed insignificant deviation of value around 5% from the actual analytical methods of analysis. Finally the research has indicated that in using PCM, the heat storage capacity of the wall will increase by 70% with a corresponding increase in 50% of the cost effectiveness in building construction.
AAJST 2015 Vol-2
Article Category
Article Subject:
Numerical method, Thickness of wall, efficiency and Temperature