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Method development and validation of an Isocratic High pressure Liquid chromatography technique for analysis of Risperidone in Bulk drug and Formulation


Risperidone is a potent antipsychotic drug which is mainly used to treat schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. A new isocratic HPLC method was developed for analysis in formulations. The developed method was validated according to ICH guidelines. The method was developed with the mobile phase 0.1% OPA: Methanol:Acetonitrile in the ratio of  60:25:15(V/V/V). In this method the back pressure was very less because of OPA in mobile phase. In validation results the accuracy, precision, recovery are within the limits


ACTA PHARMICA 2014 Volume 1

Article Subject:



Risperidone, Accuracy, Precision, recovery, LOQ and LOD

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G.V Ramana et al,Actapharmica. 2014,1(1).,001-007

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