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In Vitro Multiple Shoot Regeneration in Aqua Aroids, Colocasia Esculenta L.Schott Stoloniferous using Stolon Bud Explants


In  this  research  study  in  vitro  regeneration  protocols  were  established  for  Colocasia  esculenta  L.  Schott (stoloniferous) using stolon bud explant. MS supplemented with different concentration and combinations of auxins and cytokinins were used for the induction of direct and indirect organogenesis and rootings. 91 % culture responded to shoot proliferation using stolon bud explants on MS having 6.0 mg L ‐1BAP +1.0 mg L‐1 NAA. Direct multiple shoot regeneration (83%) was also observed on MS supplementing 6.0 mg L ‐1BAP +1.0 mg  L‐1  NAA.   In  vitro  derived  petiole  callus  induction  (65 %)  was  found  in  C.  esculenta  L.  Schott  on  MS media  containing  1.0  mg  L  –1 BAP  +  2.0  mg  L‐1  2,  4‐D.  In  vitro  derived  callus  regeneration  (60  %)  was observed  in  media  having  1.0  mg  L  ‐1BAP  +  1.5  mg  L‐1NAA  in  C.  escuelnta  (stoloniferous).  Profuse  root development  was  found  MS  having  0.5  mg  L‐1IAA.  Regenerated  plantlets  were  acclimatized  with  all agronomic practices in the plastic pots for  normal growth and development in successfully.


Research Desk 2013 Volume-2

Article Subject:



Aqua aroid, callus, colocasia esculenta, in vitro, regeneration, MS

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10.K K Paul et al, Research Desk, 2013, Jan‐Mar 2(1). 158‐169

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