Isolation of Actinomycetes from Marine Soil Collected from Nizampatnam Port Area

RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for the Analyisis of Ezogabine in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

RP‐HPLC Method Development And Validation for the Analysis of Vendetanib in Phramaceutical Dosage Forms

Identification of Anti‐Diabetic Activity of Strychnous Nuxvomica Roots in Invivo Conditions

New Spectrophotometric Method for Analysis of Erubulin in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Validated RP – HPLC Method for the Estimation of Denosumab in Formulation

A Review on Application of Natural Bioadhesive Polysaccharides for Intranasal Drug Delivery

Pharmacophore Modelling, Docking and Biological Evaluation of Vanillin Derivatives as Neuraminidase Inhibitors

The Physicochemical Quality of Commercial Ice – A Case Study of Urban and Rural Settlement

Formulation, Optimization and In-Vitro Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets of Tramadol Hydrochloride

Evaluating The Anti- Plaque Efficacy of Herbal Dentifricesan In- Vitro Study

Gastroretentive Drug Delivery System

Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Biperiden Hydrochloride in Pure Solutions, Pharmaceutical Dosage form and Urine Samples

Analysis on Anti-Atherosclerotic Activity in Rats by Selected Siddha (MUSA PARADISIACA) Medicinal Preparations

Development and Validation of New Analytical Method for Voriconazole for Injection by Using Uv-Spectrophotometer

Predict the Efficacy of three Motion Sickness Models in Human Volunteers Before And After the Administration of Anti-Emetic Drugs

Effect of Nomaphila Stricta Root on Alloxan Induced Diabetic Related Atherosclerosis on Wistar Albino Rats

In-Vitro Study of Allium Sativum Fresh Juice on Barber Shop Utensils Microbial Isolates

Hepatoprotective Role of Yucca Rupicola Texas Yucca Extract Against Ccl4 Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats

Determination of Anti Hyperglycemic Effect of Andrographis Paniculata Leaves and Flower Extracts

The Prevalence of Dengue Arboviral Infection in and Around Bellary District, Karnataka

Frequency Distribution of Abo, Rh Blood Groups Amongst the Population of Uttar Pradesh

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Syzygium Aromaticum and their Antibacterial Efficacy

In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Shoot Tip and Nodal Explants of Rhinacanthus Nasutus (L.) Kurz.

A Novel RP-HPLC Method for the Quantification of Iloperidone in Formulations