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Hydro-Chemical Parameters of Ground Water Around Lime Mines in Karampudi. Guntur District, Andrapradesh


Present study deals with the  ground water quality an d fluoride levels identification of near by villages of Karepudi Mandal. Guntur, District, Andra Pradesh. The samples were collected from 04 places in the Karempudi Mandal in December 2013. The temperature, pH, TDS, DO, BOD, COD, Total hardness, chloride, sulphate and nitrate were determined. All the parameters were found to be below permissible limit except fluoride


Research Desk 2013 Volume-2

Article Subject:



Ground water quality, lime stones, water pollution, water parameters, Karempudi, Guntur district

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2.V.Phanikumar et al, Research Desk, 2013, Jan-Mar 2(1).170-173

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