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Gastroretentive Drug Delivery System


Oral route is most common and preferred route from efficacy and safety point of view. Many advancement, research and development have been done in oral drug delivery system. Oral-rate controlled drug delivery systems have an important area among a novel drug delivery system. Oral sustained release drug delivery system have several limitation like short gastric emptying time/gastric residence time to overcome these limitation several approaches have been developed. In order to improve the bioavailability of drug this review compiles the recent literature with special focus on various approaches of gastric retention. This review also summarizes thefactors that influencegastric retention, various approaches for gastric-retention, to
evaluate the performancein-vitro and in-vivo studies and application of gastroretentive drug delivery.


IJAPSBS vol 1 (2012)

Article Subject:



Gastroretentive, Mucoadhesive, floating

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