Experiential Marketing: Reconceptualizing Mix Elements for Health Services
Dynamic changes across the industrial manufacturing systems which were designed to derive economic benefits of large-scale production have changed in era of globalization. These changes had led to significant modifications in organizational functional structures, and their effective interface with composite communication networks, multimodal transportation systems, and quick decision setups which is so critical for business sustainability that some researchers refer to it as the ‘second industrial revolution, where there is steady decline in the traditional manufacturing practices and their place has been gradually taken by service and knowledge based enterprise. Healthcare services in India is delivered through both the public and private sector and hospitals and healthcare systems are continually been affected by dominant external environmental forces like changing politics; changes in government regulations; the growth of alternative medicine; the rise of consumerism; an increase in competition from physician-owned specialty hospitals, retail clinics, and other business models; and a host of other complications. The public healthcare system consists of healthcare facilities run by central and state governments, which provide services either free of cost or at a subsidized rates to low income group in rural and urban areas. With growing Indian economy and steady growth of healthcare industry, there has been an upward swing in personal expenditure on healthcare. The consumers are getting more and more concerned about their health. This coupled with healthcare retail services would help provide the consumer with greater choice facilities and treatment. This paper attempts to investigate and design the marketing mix strategy from “EXPERENTIAL” perspective for healthcare establishments to delivery healthcare services in India.
AAJST 2015 Vol-2
Article Category
Article Subject:
Healthcare, Hospitals, Consumer Centric Marketing Mix, Marketing, Services Marketing