Effects of Management Practice and Maturity Stage on Seed Quality and Yield of Spider Plant (Cleome Gynandra L.)
Cleome gynandra L. is gaining popularity for its importance in human nutrition. In the recent past, Kenya has witnessed a renewed interest in production of this local vegetable. The prevalence of obesity, HIV and AIDs and food-related illnesses makes better nutrition a critical need. Nutrition is a major, modifiable and powerful factor in promoting health, preventing and treating disease and improving quality of life. The relationship between food, nutrition and health is one of the global challenges being faced today. Increasing research on this indigenous vegetable could improve nutrition among poor people. Existing evidence suggest that spider plant is endowed with higher level of nutrients than its exotic counterparts. However, seed quality and yield of spider plant are affected by one or more factors that cause negative response during seed production. The purpose of this research was to increase insight into how the seed quality and yield of spider plant is affected bydifferent management practices and seed maturity stages with a view to finding out the best method of production of these seeds. According to the findings of this study it is recommended that in the production of spider plant seed, farmers should nip the first flower heads and harvest at yellow pod maturity stage.
Research Desk 2013 Volume-2
Article Category
Article Subject:
Cleome gynanadra L, Yield, viability, vigour