Diets and prohibitions (Pathya and Apathya) in certain gastro-intestinal disorders according to Ayurveda
Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine can be aptly defined as the “Science of life” or science of healthy living. The whole philosophy of Ayurveda is based on achieving, maintaining and promoting positive health. The equilibrium of various structural and functional units of the body named as Dosha, Dhatu, Mala,Agniand more important the mind results in health and dis-equilibrium causes disease. Correction of disturbance of milieu interior is the aim of the ayurvedic management.
The Ayurvedic texts place great importance on the compatibility and incompatibility of foods. Pathya means which is good for the channels and Apathya is considered as harmful for the channels.
Ayurveda, the most ancient system of medicine not only emphasis on proper diets and conducts as a part of treatment of every disease but also considers that improper diets and conducts are the major causes of several diseases. This can be understood on the basis of Tridosha(vata, pitta,kapha) , Panchamahabhoota and six rasastheory.
This uniqueness of Ayurveda in the management of diseases proves its superiority over the modern system of medicine. Now modern system of medicine is also recognizing several do’s and don’ts related to the diseases.
This review will put a light on several wholesome and unwholesome diets and conducts and their mode of action on the basis of Ayurveda, in general gastrointestinal disturbances.
Research Desk 2016 Volume-5
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Article Subject:
Apathya, conduct, diet, Pathya, unwholesome