Determination of Fluoride in Anaparthi Mandal (Rural Area), East Godavari Dt., (Ap) India
The object of the present study is to carry out the Physico – Chemical analysis of well and bore well water samples from fourteen sampling stations ofLaksminarasapuram (Rural area) in the vicinity of Anaparthi mandal , East godavariDistrict(AP) on 12th of every month ( for a period of six months) from September 2011 to February 2012. The analysis of different parameters namely- temperature, pH, color and fluoride were carried out as per standard methods. The results indicate that the fluoride content in all the sampling stations was foundf within the permissible levels as per WHO standards.
Research Desk 2012 Volume-1
Article Category
Article Subject:
Fluoride Content, Laksmi Narasapuram, Anaparthi East Godavari District