Comparative antimicrobial activity and phytochemical analysis of different extracts of potential medicinal plants of Ocimum sanctum Linn. and Lantana camara Linn.
Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical analysis of the hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone, chloroform and methanol stem and leaf extracts of Ocimum sanctum, Lantana camara were extracted, evaluated by agar well diffusion method against five selected bacterial (Gram +ve and Gram-ve) human pathogens and a fungus C. krusei. In antimicrobial activity, different organic solvent extracts (hexane, ethyl acetate,acetone, chloroform and methanol) were evaluated for antimicrobial activity against human pathogens L. camara ethyl acetate stem extract showed highest antibacterial activity against S. typhi, chloroform leaf extract showed activity against C. krusei, methanol stem, ethyl acetate leaf extract showed activity against S. typhi. O. sanctum chloroform stem extract showed activity against B. subtilis and V. cholera. Phytochemical analysis of leaf and stem powder of L. camara and O. sanctum showed the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavanoids, saponins, tannins and proteins. Concluded that ethyl acetate stem extract of L. camara showed potential antimicrobial activity compare to other extracts.
AAJST 2014 Vol-1
Article Category
Article Subject:
L.camara, O.sanctum, Verbenaceae, Lamiaceae, human pathogenic microbes, organic solvents