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Estimation of Caffeine in Chocolates and Soft drinks by High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic technique

Abstract Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant of the methylxanthine class of psychoactive drugs. It is the world’s most widely consumed psychoactive drug. High Pressure Liquid Chromatographic technique was employed to study caffeine contents in different coal drinks and chocolates. The concentration of caffeine in 1gr. Coffee bite was found to be 1887.5µg, 70.193µg…

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Pharmacognostic authentication and constituents’ validation by HPLC for four different plant species of Vidari marketed in India

Abstract The aim of the present study is to use detail diagnostic characters and instrumental validation for authentication of a traditionally important herbal drug known as “Vidari” in local Indian market. Vidari drug has four different botanical entities namely Pueraria tuberose DC (P.t) (family: Leguminosae), Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq (I. m) (family: Convolvulaceae), Adenia hondala de…

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Onomatology of an eponym: Herophilus’ press (Torcular Herophili)

Abstract The term Herophilus’ Press does reference to the confluence of the venous sinuses or the imprint of them in the inner table of the cranial vault ? We examine the influence that the translation of this eponymous onomatology. We also perform a briefly review of Herophilus’ contribution in the field of Human Anatomy.

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Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Amelogenesis Imperfecta – A Case Report

Abstract This clinical report describes the oral rehabilitation of a young adult patient diagnosed with hypomature amelogenesis imperfecta. The specific objectives of this treatment were to eliminate tooth sensitivity while enhancing esthetics and restoring masticatory function. Porcelain fused to metal full veneer crowns were placed on anterior and posterior teeth to modify the occlusion and…

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Genomics and Genetics of Wolbachia: A review

Abstract Wolbachiaare one of the most ubiquitous obligate intracellular maternally inherited bacteria that have been found in several arthropod groups.Wolbachiabehave as areproductive parasite by manipulating host reproduction to enhance their vertical transmission. Their reproductive modification and cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) has received attention for use in applied strategies targeting economically important insect pests and disease vectors….

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HPLC and UV Spectrophotometric Estimation of Pyrazinamide in Pharmaceutical Formulations

Abstract Pyrazinamide is an antituberculosis agent. It works by killing or preventing the growth of certain bacteria that cause tuberculosis. HPLC and UV method was employed for the estimation of Pyrazinamide in pharmaceutical formulations. A mixture of Methanol: Water in the ratio of 80:20 (v/v/v) at a pH of 4.8 in isocratic conditions and separation…