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Effects of Some Bitumen Coating Treatments on the Corrosion Fatigue Strength of Low Carbon Steel

Abstract Fatigue strength is a basic mechanical property of a structural material and must be maintained in the application of the material for its continuous satisfactory service. In this paper, results of proper laboratory corrosion tests conducted to investigate effects of coating treatments with each of three clear bitumen samples got from important Nigerian bitumen…

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Hydro-Chemical Parameters of Ground Water Around Lime Mines in Karampudi. Guntur District, Andrapradesh

Abstract Present study deals with the  ground water quality an d fluoride levels identification of near by villages of Karepudi Mandal. Guntur, District, Andra Pradesh. The samples were collected from 04 places in the Karempudi Mandal in December 2013. The temperature, pH, TDS, DO, BOD, COD, Total hardness, chloride, sulphate and nitrate were determined. All…

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Serum Complement (C3, C4) Levels in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

Abstract The C3 and C4 levels in the serum of 30 clinically detected Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) patients was studied in the present study following the guidelines of Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC). The mean C3 and C4 level (mg.dl-1) in the AMI patients was increased significantly at the 5th day (146.88 ± 58.77, 37.08…

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Advances in Hiv Herbal Research: Successes/Adverse Effects

Abstract An estimated number of 33.4 million people around the world are said to be living with HIV with more than twenty-five million deaths due to AIDS-related diseases recorded since the beginning of the epidemic. Complete cure for the disease has been diligently pursued by scientists around the world, but there has been no report…

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Factor(S) Remain in Ethyl Acetate Extract Synergistically act with Abscisic Acid in Inducing Wound Periderm Formation of Potato Tuber

Abstract Little is known about the endogenous factor(s) that involved wound periderm (WP) formation. The aim of this study was to determine the endogenous factor(s) that induce WP formation. Tissue discs were prepared from medullary tissues of potato tubers and the preparation regards to as wounding. The washed tissue discs were treated with different plant…

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A Comparison of Co-Current and Counter-Current Modes for Fischer Tropsch Synthesis in two Consecutive Reactor of Oxidative Coupling of Methane and Fischer Tropsch

Abstract The results of three cases of two consecutive reactors are studied in two types of co-current and counter-current flow in second reactor where two consecutive reactors are oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) and Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reactors. FT reactor can be fixed bed or membrane fixed bed reactor with a hydrogen perm-selective membrane. Effect of…

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Solar Power- Applications-Worldwide Focus

Abstract Solar power is the most ecofriendly benefit of mankind and also help in saving expenses or money. Homeowners are increasingly looking to solar power to make their homes more efficient. Solar electricity is definitely the choice of future by energy analysts throughout the world, especially if we keep any eye over other power generation…

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A Case Study of Shallow Exploration of Granite Mining Study Using 2d Eri in Vallanadu Hills, Srivaikundam, Thoothukudi, India

Abstract The present study is an attempt to understand the application of 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) in granite exposure at Near Vallanadu Hills, Srivaikundam,  Thoothukudi District, Tamilnadu. The 2D ERI to map the hard and compact granite bodies from the overburden material in the study area. The delineation of higher resistivity contrast with the…

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Sustainable Resources and Economic Development

Abstract Resources are the backbone of every economy. In using resources and transforming them, capital stocks are built up which add to the wealth of present and future generations.  Due to globalization and industrialization the resource utilization reaches maximum heights all over the world and it influences the environment which may impede the growth of…

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In Vitro Multiple Shoot Regeneration in Aqua Aroids, Colocasia Esculenta L.Schott Stoloniferous using Stolon Bud Explants

Abstract In  this  research  study  in  vitro  regeneration  protocols  were  established  for  Colocasia  esculenta  L.  Schott (stoloniferous) using stolon bud explant. MS supplemented with different concentration and combinations of auxins and cytokinins were used for the induction of direct and indirect organogenesis and rootings. 91 % culture responded to shoot proliferation using stolon bud explants…