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Single visit endodontic management of Sodium hypochlorite accident: A case report

Abstract Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) accident is a very serious complication that might occur if sodium hypochlorite extrudes beyond the root canal space. it leads to tissue necrosis and induces a massive acute inflammatory response with its associated sequelae such as pain, swelling, and profuse hemorrhage. This paper describes  a single visit endodontic retreatment of a…

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Green synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Withania coagulans and its Antimicrobial and Anti-Oxidant Activity

Abstract There is worldwide interest in silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized by various chemical reactions for use in applications exploiting their antibacterial activity, even though these processes exhibit a broad range of toxicity in vertebrates and invertebrates alike. To avoid the chemical toxicity, biosynthesis (green synthesis) of metal nanoparticles is proposed as a cost-effective and environmental…

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Management of Frozen Shoulder with Upanaha (Poultice Sudation)- A Case Study

Abstract Managing chronic disabling diseases is the main contribution of Ayurveda to the society. People mainly come in the shelter of Ayurveda when all other measures tried by them failed. More than 60% of total cases coming to Ayurvedic physician are of neuromuscular type having pain as main symptom. Pain, stiffness and restriction of range…

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Escobar (Multiple pterygium) syndrome – Report of a rare genetic disorder

Abstract Pterygium syndromes are a heterogeneous group of syndromes with sporadic, autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant inheritance. Multiple pterygium syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive inherited disorder manifested by two types – lethal and the non-lethal type. Escobar syndrome is the name given to the non-lethal type. The characteristic features of this syndrome are congenital…

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Review of Antibiotic Prescription Pattern in Osteomylitis Therapy at National Orthopedic Hospital, Enugu

Abstract Granted that antibiotics form a major part of drugs used in the management of osteomylitis, there is a crucial need for the rational use of such drugs to maximize benefits and at the same time minimize common side effects from such drugs. This work, therefore, aimed at studying the prescription pattern to see if…

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Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Nelumbonucifera Rhizome extract and investigation of their anti-oxidant and antibacterial activity

Abstract The biosynthesis of nanoparticles has been proposed as a cost effective and environmentally benevolent alternative to chemical and physical methods. In the present study, green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) has been demonstrated using rhizome extract of Nelumbonucifera reducing aqueous AgNO3 solution. The synthesized nanoparticles have been characterized on the basis of fourier transform…

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Practice of Epilepsy Surgery in Emerging and Developing Countries: Focus in Subsaharan Africa: A brief literature review

Abstract More than 85% of the total global burden of epilepsy is found in population of low- or middle-income countries. In the vast majority of these are African countries that however are less equipped to handle this disease and especially in his surgical component. Until recently the epilepsy surgery was been considered as treatment using…

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Radiating Multiple Subpial Transections for Treatment of Nonlesional Epilepsy in Cortical Eloquent Areas

Abstract Context and objectives Epilepsy surgery in eloquent areas remains a challenge when the MRI is negative.  In this context multiple subpial transections technique represents an alternative to the cortical resection. The aim of our study was to identify clinical and pathological features and the postoperative outcome of patients with nonlesionalepilepsy and treated using  radiating…

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Onomatology of an eponym: Herophilus’ press (Torcular Herophili)

Abstract The term Herophilus’ Press does reference to the confluence of the venous sinuses or the imprint of them in the inner table of the cranial vault ? We examine the influence that the translation of this eponymous onomatology. We also perform a briefly review of Herophilus’ contribution in the field of Human Anatomy.

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Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Amelogenesis Imperfecta – A Case Report

Abstract This clinical report describes the oral rehabilitation of a young adult patient diagnosed with hypomature amelogenesis imperfecta. The specific objectives of this treatment were to eliminate tooth sensitivity while enhancing esthetics and restoring masticatory function. Porcelain fused to metal full veneer crowns were placed on anterior and posterior teeth to modify the occlusion and…