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Global Dynamics of A Mathematical Model on Smoking with Media Campaigns

Abstract In this paper, a non-linear model is proposed to study the effect of media campaigns on the smoking cessation. In our model we found two equilibria one of them is the smoking-free equilibrium (SFE) and the other corresponds to the presence of smoking and their stability analyzed by the theory of differential equation and…

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Implicit One Step Continuous Hybrid Blocks Methods with Five Off-steps Point from Fifth Degree Chebyshev Polynomials

Abstract In this paper a self starting one step continuous block hybrid formulae{CBHF} with fve off-steps points is developed from zeros of Chebyshev polynomial using collocation and interpolation techniques. The (CHBHF) is then used to produce multiple numerical integrators which are of uniform order and are arrange into a single block matrix equations. These equations…

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On the Logical Analysis of the Foundations of Vector Calculus

Abstract A critical analysis of the foundations of standard vector calculus is proposed. The methodological basis of the analysis is the unity of formal logic and of rational dialectics. It is proved that the vector calculus is incorrect theory because: (a) it is not based on a correct methodological basis  – the  unity of formal…

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Effect of two temperature on the time harmonic behaviour of an axisymmetric problem in transversely isotropic thermoelastic solid with Green-Naghdi theory of type-II

Abstract The present work is aimed at the thermoelastic interactions in a two dimensional homogeneous, transversely isotropic thermoelastic solids with two temperatures in the context of Green – Naghdi model of type-II due to time harmonic sources.  The Hankel transform has been employed to find the general solution to the field equations. Concentrated normal force…

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Deformation due to thermomechanical source in thermoporoelastic medium

Abstract The present investigation deals with the response of thermomechanical sources in a thermoporoelastic medium. Laplace and Fourier transforms are  applied to investigate the problem. As an application of the approach concentrated and distributed sources are taken to illustrate the utility of the approach.  The expressions for displacement components, stress components, pore pressure and temperature…