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Estimation of the Monthly Reference Evapotranspiration in the Araucanía Region, Chile, from Modis/Terra Satellite Data

Abstract We propose a multiple regression model is to estimate the monthly reference evapotranspiration (ETo), on a regional scale, from data provided by the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor on board the TERRA satellite platform. The input data assumed by the model are the Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) and the earth’s surface temperature,…

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Effects of Some Bitumen Coating Treatments on the Corrosion Fatigue Strength of Low Carbon Steel

Abstract Fatigue strength is a basic mechanical property of a structural material and must be maintained in the application of the material for its continuous satisfactory service. In this paper, results of proper laboratory corrosion tests conducted to investigate effects of coating treatments with each of three clear bitumen samples got from important Nigerian bitumen…

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A Comparison of Co-Current and Counter-Current Modes for Fischer Tropsch Synthesis in two Consecutive Reactor of Oxidative Coupling of Methane and Fischer Tropsch

Abstract The results of three cases of two consecutive reactors are studied in two types of co-current and counter-current flow in second reactor where two consecutive reactors are oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) and Fischer-Tropsch (FT) reactors. FT reactor can be fixed bed or membrane fixed bed reactor with a hydrogen perm-selective membrane. Effect of…

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Solar Power- Applications-Worldwide Focus

Abstract Solar power is the most ecofriendly benefit of mankind and also help in saving expenses or money. Homeowners are increasingly looking to solar power to make their homes more efficient. Solar electricity is definitely the choice of future by energy analysts throughout the world, especially if we keep any eye over other power generation…

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Experimental Investigations, Regression and Computational, Modeling and Analysis of Efficient and Effective techniques for fuel/energy conservation in iron foundries

Abstract This paper deals with development of efficient and effective techniques for fuel/energy conservation in iron foundries. The authors conducted series of experimental investigations on a self-designed and developed 200kg LDO fired rotary furnace installed in a foundry. Initially the furnace was operated as under existing conditions. The specific fuel consumption was 0.415 liters/kg and…

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Feasibility Study on Utilisation of Laterite Soil for Stabilized Earth Blocks

Abstract This paper deals with the experimental investigations carried out to study the feasibility of using laterite soil to produce stabilized earth blocks. A mix ratio of 1:6 was used to prepare the earth blocks. Totally 72 blocks were cast with cement and fly ash as  stabilizers  and the conventional fine aggregate is replaced by…

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Procurement Practices in Urban Water Supply in Ghan

Abstract Procurement is an undervalued sector in the public sector. Cooperativeprocurement procedures have a positive influence on project performance.The study analysed the procurement practices in Ghana’s water industry, factors that contribute to procurement success. Recommendations to improve the procurement process in urban water supply were outlined. The study revealed thatthere are provisions for institutional framework,…

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A Study on Digital Recognition using Neural Network

Abstract Handwriting number recognition is a challenging problem researchers had been research into this area for so long especially in the recent years. In our study there are many fields concern with numbers, for example, checks in banks or recognizing numbers in car plates, the subject of digit recognition appears. A system for recognizing isolated…

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Evaluation of Turnkey Projects in Urban Water Delivery in Ghana

Abstract Due to the essential role the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) plays in urban water delivery, construction projects are undertaken by the institution. It is necessary to conduct research into the various forms of delivery methods.The research aimed at investigating the implementation and management of turnkey projects by GWCL. Through interviews, questionnaires and literature…

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A Test of the Relationship Between Refractivity and Radio Signal Propagation for Dry Particulates

Abstract Radio waves or radio signals propagate through the atmosphere in wireless communication. They are affected mostly by variability in radio refractivity which leads to a decrease in their speed or rate of propagation which eventually cause propagation delay or attenuation in the troposphere.The hourly averages of radio refractivity for dry particulates during dry season…