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A Case Study on physico Chemical Properties of Ground Water in ID- Bollaram Industrial area, Hyderabad (India) During 2010 Monsoon to 2013 summer

Abstract A total of 45 groundwater samples for Nine representative seasons were collected from parts of ID Bollaram, Hyderabd, India to decipher hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality for determining its suitability for drinking and agricultural proposes. Most of the parameters found in the water samples like Total Hardness (TH), Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and F- are within…

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UV- Visible Spectrophotometric Estimation of Olmesartan in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

Abstract A simple spectrophotometric method based on single wavelength spectroscopy has been developed for the olmesartan in different pharmaceutical dosage forms.The method is based on the simple solubility of olmesartan in methanol.The absorbance maximum of Olmesartan was measured at wave length 271nm and 731nm for the UV method and visible method. Both the methods obeyed…

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Identification of Fenvalerate, and Methyl Parathion Pesticides residues in Marine products of Pondycherry Region

Abstract After green revolution the use of pesticides increased very rapidly for all crops like Paddy, food grains, vegetables, fruits, cotton. In Monsoon season after raining the sprayed pesticides are contaminating the lake and canals. These marine products which are collected from these lakes and canals directly showing impact on human health. This study was…

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Hydro-Chemical Parameters of Ground Water Around Lime Mines in Karampudi. Guntur District, Andrapradesh

Abstract Present study deals with the  ground water quality an d fluoride levels identification of near by villages of Karepudi Mandal. Guntur, District, Andra Pradesh. The samples were collected from 04 places in the Karempudi Mandal in December 2013. The temperature, pH, TDS, DO, BOD, COD, Total hardness, chloride, sulphate and nitrate were determined. All…

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Spectrophotometric determination of Puromycin(A) & Pristinamycin(B) in pharmaceutical products with turbidimetry method by using Cu2+ and tangesto phosphoric acid

Abstract A simple, sensitive,fast and accurate spectrophotometric Turbidimetery method of analysis of   antibiotics in pharmaceutical dosage forms has been developed and validated. Unfortunately, usage of these methods in measuring an organic composition, especially in medicines has not been considered. In this method, the necessary and optimum conditions for measuring a antibiotics by using a mixture…

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The Effect of Corrosive Pollutants on Butterfly

Abstract Butterflies are beautiful creation of nature. These species survival become very critical due to enhancement of corrosive pollutants in atmosphere. Corrosive pollutants react with moist oxygen and water to form inorganic and organic acids. The oxides of Carbon, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur, oxides of haloens and hydride of sulphur form carbonic acid,…

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Inhibition of Corrosion Mild Steel in Acid Media by Trazodone Drug

Abstract The corrosion inhibition of mild steel in acidic media using  Trazodone (Tz) was investigated by using weight loss method .The studies showed the increase in inhibition efficiency and decrease in the corrosion rate by increasing the inhibitor concentration. Adsorption isotherms were tested for their relevance to describe the adsorption behaviour of  Trazodone (Tz) ….

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LCMS Method Devlopment and Validation of Paliperidone in Formulation Dosage

Abstract A simple, precise and accurate RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for rapid assay of Paliperidone tablet dosage form. Isocratic elution at a flow rate of 1ml/min was employed on a symmetry Chromosil C18 (250×4.6mm, 5µm in particle size) at ambient temperature. The mobile phase consisted of Methanol: Acetonitril: Water 60: 10: 30 v/v,…

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A Novel RP-HPLC Method for the Determination of Capecitabine in Pharmaceutical Drug Products

Abstract A simple, precise and accurate RP-HPLC method was developed and validated for rapid assay of Capecitabine in tablet dosage form. Isocratic elution at a flow rate of 1ml/min was employed on a symmetry Chromosil C18 (250×4.6mm, 5µm in particle size) at ambient temperature. The mobile phase consisted of Methanol:Water 80: 20 v/v, (PH 4.9)….

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Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Chlorpyrifos, Cypermethrin Pesticides in Vegetables

Abstract The term pesticide is used to describe all sorts of products which control pests. These range from synthetic chemicals which are poisonous to weeds, to natural chemicals such as pyrethrums derived from chrysanthemums used to repel insects or larger animals.