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The use of Sustainable Resources

Abstract The present paper is about “sustainable use of natural resources”.resources are the backbone of every economy.Human sustainability interfaces with economies through the voluntary trade consequences of economic activity.Moving towards sustainability (or applied sustainability) while keeping the quality of life high is a social challenge that entails,among other factors,international and national law,urban planning and transport,local…

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Coordinating the Multidisciplinary Characteristics of Project Management for a Successful Shutdown: A Review of Imo State Project Implementation Unit (Piu).

Abstract Project management team, led by a project manager, consists of various professionals and consultants, contractors and artisans, all carrying out responsibilities in order to accomplish project tasks. A successful shutdown of a given project will depend, among other factors, on the project manager’s ability to successfully coordinate the multidisciplinary characteristics of a given enterprise….

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Effects of Income Tax Variability on Investment Under Uncertainty and Irreversibility: A Study of Nigerian Listed Firms

Abstract This study examines the effects of income tax variability on investment under uncertainty and irreversibility with particular reference to the Nigerian listed firms. The research is based on ex facto design. The population for this study consists of only quoted Nigerian companies that have 2012 to 2016 annual financial reports. We selected a sample…

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Cash Holding Management as a Correlate for Firm Performance

Abstract This study x-rays the relationship existing between Cash Asset Holding Management and company performance (Profitability) in Nigeria. The study uses multiple regression technique on 17 sampled firms employing data available on each sampled company’s audited annual report for the period 2010 to 2016. The empirical evidence shows that Cash Holding Management and Firm Performance…