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Essential Oil (Aloe-Vera) for the Improvement of Silk Producing Potential in Multivoltine Mulberry Silkworm (Bombyx Mori Linn)

Abstract The importance of essential oil (Aloe-vera) on the Bomyx mori has been proved to be in Sericulture industry. This study was carried out to show the influence of Aloe-vera oil on the reelability of filament (%) and denier of filament (d) of Bombyx mori eggs. The experiments were conducted with A. vera oil viz,…

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Practice of Epilepsy Surgery in Emerging and Developing Countries: Focus in Subsaharan Africa: A brief literature review

Abstract More than 85% of the total global burden of epilepsy is found in population of low- or middle-income countries. In the vast majority of these are African countries that however are less equipped to handle this disease and especially in his surgical component. Until recently the epilepsy surgery was been considered as treatment using…

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Radiating Multiple Subpial Transections for Treatment of Nonlesional Epilepsy in Cortical Eloquent Areas

Abstract Context and objectives Epilepsy surgery in eloquent areas remains a challenge when the MRI is negative.  In this context multiple subpial transections technique represents an alternative to the cortical resection. The aim of our study was to identify clinical and pathological features and the postoperative outcome of patients with nonlesionalepilepsy and treated using  radiating…

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Enhanced Dynamic Quadrant Histogram Equalization Plateau Limit for Image Contrast Enhancement

Abstract Consumer electronic devices require brightness preservation while image enhancement. Many of the histogram equalization techniques that have been introduced tend to strike out the mean image brightness while the process of enhancement is carried out. Hence, we suggest a method that enhances the image while keeping its brightness in a better form as compared…