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Green synthesis of (Z)-N-5-(benzylidene/substituted benzylidene) 2 benzamido-3-(methyl/phenyl)-6-oxo-1, 2, 5, 6- tetrahydro-1, 2, 4-triazines & their anti-bacterial activity evaluation.

Abstract An efficient one pot green synthesis of (Z)-N-5-(benzylidene/substituted benzylidene) -2-benzamido–3- (methyl/phenyl)-6-oxo-1, 2, 5, 6-tetrahydro-1, 2, 4-triazines has been developed in good yields and tested for their anti-bacterial activities against Escherichia coli, Providencia aeruginosa, Pseudomonas azotogensis and Baccilus Subtillis. Some of the synthesized compounds possess good activity against Escherichia coli and Baccilus Subtillis compared to…

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The Increasing Relevance of Physical Activity and Exercise to Individual Mental Health

Abstract There are substantial evidences from longitudinal studies that physical activity and exercise offer protection from depression in adolescents, adults and older adults. This evidence has been gathered from different countries and with different populations. Exercise provides some health and psychological benefits as an adjunct to treatment in complex mental health problems such as alcohol…

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Effect of two temperature on the time harmonic behaviour of an axisymmetric problem in transversely isotropic thermoelastic solid with Green-Naghdi theory of type-II

Abstract The present work is aimed at the thermoelastic interactions in a two dimensional homogeneous, transversely isotropic thermoelastic solids with two temperatures in the context of Green – Naghdi model of type-II due to time harmonic sources.  The Hankel transform has been employed to find the general solution to the field equations. Concentrated normal force…

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Hydro-Chemical parameters of ground water around Khajipalem village, Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Abstract Present study deals with the consequents of sea water on ground water quality of Khajipalem village, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. The samples were collected from 06 places in different locations of the village in June 2015. The temperature, pH, DO, BOD, COD, Total hardness, fluoride, chlorides, Sulphates and nitrates were determined. All the parameters…

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Experiential Marketing: Reconceptualizing Mix Elements for Health Services

Abstract Dynamic changes across the industrial manufacturing systems which were designed to derive economic benefits of large-scale production have changed in era of globalization. These changes had led to significant modifications in organizational functional structures, and their effective interface with composite communication networks, multimodal transportation systems, and quick decision setups which is so critical for…

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Optimization of Building Wall to Control Indoor Temperature using Matlab Software and Finite Difference Method

Abstract The complex nature of dynamic heat transfer through building parts is in need of computational analysis instead of applying simple mathematical techniques. An explicit finite difference method is applied to analyze a model wall of a building. And further computer simulation for results is done using MATLAB software by giving emphasis for parameters that…

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A Study on Nutritional Status of Venkata reddy palem and kaja Pre-school Children (Guntur District, India)

Abstract The objective of the present study is to assess the nutritional and health status on 200 (100 Venkata reddy palem and100 kaja Pre-school) ranging in age from 1 to 5 years preschool children of Guntur (Dt), India. Nutrition and health assessment was done through diet survey, nutritional deficiency signs were also taken for the…

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Comparative Study of Object Oriented Measures for Internal Quality Attributes of Class Diagrams

Abstract As a key early artifact in the development of Object Oriented software, the superiority of class diagrams is crucial for all later design work and could be a major determinant for the quality of the software product that is finally carried. Quantitative measurement instruments are useful to assess class diagram quality in an objective…