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Fuzzy Association Rules: new method and implementation

Abstract due to increasing use of huge databases, mining practical information and useful knowledge from transactions is evolving into an important area. Most data mining methods focuses on relationship among transactions. Many algorithms have been proposed to find association rules in databases with either binary or quantitative attributes. One of these approaches is fuzzy association…

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Technical Aspects of Dot Net and J2EE for Development of Web Applications

Abstract Any software applications come into two flavors: stand alone applications and web based applications. Standalone applications are usually expensive, especially when we consider the true cost of ownership, which includes high cost items like installation, up gradation of  PCs, and training. The Internet boom promised end users efficient access to a host of business…

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New method development and validation for Simultaneous determination of 3 terpenoids (Terpineol, Limonene, α-Terpinene) in Black cardamom by HPLC

Abstract A HPLC method was developed and validated for simultaneous determination of Terpineol, Limonene, α-Terpinenein Black cardamom using a Hypersil bds C18column (250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) with the mobile phase consisting of Methanol and 0.1% triethylamine,0.05M KH2PO4used as mobile phase in the ration of 45%,10%,45%  The linear ranges of three compounds were determined and method…

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Fast Hybrid String Matching Algorithms

Abstract Various Hybrid algorithms have been proposed using early string matching algorithms such as BM, KMP, Horspool, Quick search and many others. Designing of fast string matching algorithms for different applications has started growing rapidly.  In this area, many hybrid algorithms came up with new techniques of searching and rapid up the string matching process….

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Quasi 3D Refined Simulation of Flow and Pollutant Transport in The Mississippi River near The Rock Lake

Abstract This paper reports a quasi 3D numerical simulation in a curved river reach of the Mississippi River near The Rock Lake, USA, aiming to develop a numerical tool for modeling turbulent flows and pollutant transport in complex natural waters. The recently built depth-averaged two-equation turbulence  model, together with and models, were used to close…

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Soliton fiber laser &Soliton wave in optical fiber: a literature review

Abstract Soliton is the only stable shape of the pulsesatfiber with dispersion and nonlinear features. This feature cause that pulse width is between 1- 50 psand power(mw 10 ~ 1). In this article, a complete overview of the studies which was done about soliton fiber lasers and the soliton wave propagation in an optical fiber…

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Escobar (Multiple pterygium) syndrome – Report of a rare genetic disorder

Abstract Pterygium syndromes are a heterogeneous group of syndromes with sporadic, autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant inheritance. Multiple pterygium syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive inherited disorder manifested by two types – lethal and the non-lethal type. Escobar syndrome is the name given to the non-lethal type. The characteristic features of this syndrome are congenital…

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Comparative antimicrobial activity and phytochemical analysis of different extracts of potential medicinal plants of Ocimum sanctum Linn. and Lantana camara Linn.

Abstract Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical analysis of the hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone, chloroform and methanol stem and leaf extracts of Ocimum sanctum, Lantana camara were extracted, evaluated by agar well diffusion method against five selected bacterial (Gram +ve and Gram-ve) human pathogens and a fungus C. krusei. In antimicrobial activity, different organic solvent extracts (hexane,…

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Verdict sobel edge detection from images for annotation

Abstract Edge detection is one of the most decisive errands in involuntary image scrutiny. Edges portray precincts and are consequently a quandary of essential substance in image processing. Image Edge detection considerably diminish the quantity of data and sift out futile information, while defending the vital structural properties in an image. There subsists no general…

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Types of Watermark Based on Human Perception and Robustness

Abstract Digital watermarking is the efficient method to protect the digital information. Digital Watermarking is the method that embeds information known as a watermark into a multimedia object such watermark may be detected or extracted later to create an assertion regarding the object. Watermarking is either ”visible” or ”invisible”. Though visible and invisible are visual…