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Effects of Maturity Stage, Desiccation and Storage Period on Seed Quality of Cleome (Cleome gynandra L.)

Abstract Cleome gynandra (L.) is a weed that grows throughout the tropics and sub-tropics. In Kenya it is gradually being domesticated and grown as a vegetable that is used in many culinary systems for its remarkable nutritional and medicinal properties. However, the seed planted by farmers has a germination that is erratic and occurring over…

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A Case Study on physico Chemical Properties of Ground Water in ID- Bollaram Industrial area, Hyderabad (India) During 2010 Monsoon to 2013 summer

Abstract A total of 45 groundwater samples for Nine representative seasons were collected from parts of ID Bollaram, Hyderabd, India to decipher hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality for determining its suitability for drinking and agricultural proposes. Most of the parameters found in the water samples like Total Hardness (TH), Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and F- are within…

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Estimation of the Monthly Reference Evapotranspiration in the Araucanía Region, Chile, from Modis/Terra Satellite Data

Abstract We propose a multiple regression model is to estimate the monthly reference evapotranspiration (ETo), on a regional scale, from data provided by the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor on board the TERRA satellite platform. The input data assumed by the model are the Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) and the earth’s surface temperature,…

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Global Dynamics of A Mathematical Model on Smoking with Media Campaigns

Abstract In this paper, a non-linear model is proposed to study the effect of media campaigns on the smoking cessation. In our model we found two equilibria one of them is the smoking-free equilibrium (SFE) and the other corresponds to the presence of smoking and their stability analyzed by the theory of differential equation and…

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Iron Nutritional Status, Clinical and Health Complications of Women in the Reproductive Age from Rural Area

Abstract The aim of the present investigation is to describe the iron nutritional status and clinical implications of women in the reproductive age from rural area. The records from the pinhead showed that there are about 950 women in the age group of 18-45 yrs. Out of these 950 women, a sample size of 300…

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Solute transport through heterogeneous porous medium with effective adsorption coefficient

Abstract One-dimensional solute transport, originating from a continuous point source, is studied along unsteady longitudinal flow through a heterogeneous medium of semi-infinite extent. Diffusion is considered as directly proportional to the linear spatially–dependent function that defines the heterogeneity. It is also assumed temporally dependent. It is expressed in both the independent variables in degenerate form….

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Single visit endodontic management of Sodium hypochlorite accident: A case report

Abstract Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) accident is a very serious complication that might occur if sodium hypochlorite extrudes beyond the root canal space. it leads to tissue necrosis and induces a massive acute inflammatory response with its associated sequelae such as pain, swelling, and profuse hemorrhage. This paper describes  a single visit endodontic retreatment of a…

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A study on Nutritional Assessment of School –going Children

Abstract Children stunted at school-age are likely to have been exposed to poor nutrition since early childhood and the degree of stunting tends to increase throughout the school-age years. However, children can exhibit catch up growth if their environment improves. Generally malnutrition and stunted growth appears among school going children, for this purpose the topic…

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Phytochemical And Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric (GC-MS) Analyses of Zanthoxylum Zanthozyloides Leaf

Abstract Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides is a medicinal plant widely used in folkloric medicine of Africa and Asia for the treatment of ailments such as inflammation, cancer, anemia and liver damage. The phytochemical and GC-MS analyses of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides leaf were carried out using standard methods. Qualitative phytochemical revealed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, cardiac glycosides…

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UV- Visible Spectrophotometric Estimation of Olmesartan in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form

Abstract A simple spectrophotometric method based on single wavelength spectroscopy has been developed for the olmesartan in different pharmaceutical dosage forms.The method is based on the simple solubility of olmesartan in methanol.The absorbance maximum of Olmesartan was measured at wave length 271nm and 731nm for the UV method and visible method. Both the methods obeyed…