Abstract This research work deals with the theoretical investigation of the motion of cotton and heavy impurities in the chamber of pneumatic cleaner. We have developed universal pneumatic cleaner that cleans cotton from both the heavy, small and large trash. Differential equations are compiled on motion of mechanical system consisting…
Abstract The present investigation deals with the response of thermomechanical sources in a thermoporoelastic medium. Laplace and Fourier transforms are applied to investigate the problem. As an application of the approach concentrated and distributed sources are taken to illustrate the utility of the approach. The expressions for displacement components, stress…
Abstract Project management team, led by a project manager, consists of various professionals and consultants, contractors and artisans, all carrying out responsibilities in order to accomplish project tasks. A successful shutdown of a given project will depend, among other factors, on the project manager’s ability to successfully coordinate the multidisciplinary…
Abstract This paper x-rays the role of economic models, specifically the Circular Flow Model and Materials Balance Model, with supporting Laws of Thermodynamics, in understanding the perspectives and dynamics of development and the environment, environmental impacts and environmental impact assessment (EIA). The ultimate goal of EIA is to achieve a…
Abstract The biosynthesis of nanoparticles has been proposed as a cost effective and environmentally benevolent alternative to chemical and physical methods. In the present study, green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) has been demonstrated using rhizome extract of Nelumbonucifera reducing aqueous AgNO3 solution. The synthesized nanoparticles have been characterized on…
Abstract More than 85% of the total global burden of epilepsy is found in population of low- or middle-income countries. In the vast majority of these are African countries that however are less equipped to handle this disease and especially in his surgical component. Until recently the epilepsy surgery was…
Abstract A comparative study was conducted on the progression of the learners with phases in early elementary classes through Formative and Summative Evaluation based on the Primary Curriculum in West Bengal.This experimental study was done in Barasarsa Adivasi Nimna Buniyadi Vidyalayain Pandua Block in Hooghly district without reflecting the content,…