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A Case Study of Shallow Exploration of Granite Mining Study Using 2d Eri in Vallanadu Hills, Srivaikundam, Thoothukudi, India


The present study is an attempt to understand the application of 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) in granite exposure at Near Vallanadu Hills, Srivaikundam,  Thoothukudi District, Tamilnadu. The 2D ERI to map the hard and compact granite bodies from the overburden material in the study area. The delineation of higher resistivity contrast with the low resistivity values of the weathered overburden was done to locate a suitable site for mining of granite at Study area. The surveys were carried out using CRM resistivity meter, multicore cable, multi electrodes with wenner array used. The collected resistivity data were interpreted using by Res2DINV original software. The apparent reistivity value of the pseudosection is used for the interpretation of the granite survey. The range of apparent resistivity range from 5-60 Ohm.m is indicate weathered zone and the high quality of granite is occurring from 170-600 ohm.m in the Near Vallanadu hills.


Research Desk 2013 Volume-2

Article Subject:



Granite, Resistivity, 2D, ERI, Thoothukudi

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8.ANTONY RAVINDRAN. A al, Research Desk, 2013, Jan-Mar 2(1). 133-139

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